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Extrius Inc. Resources is a global professional services company providing technology solutions to Fortune 10+ companies. We work with our clients to deliver a broad range of services designed to help them succeed in the emerging digital economy. We do this by combining technological innovation, eBusiness strategies, and management services with the market-leading systems of our strategic partners to deliver eSolutions. Extrius Inc.Resources was established in early part of 2004 to meet the client requirements (with active encouragement of several clients) to provide "high quality, low cost" IT services.
Extrius Inc.helps businesses harness competitive advantages in the digital economy @ net-speed.
Whether you're a start-up or an already established player, we can deliver fully integrated eBusiness solutions to help create new value for your customers.
To meet special needs of our customers, we have established a large state-of-the-art software development center in USA. The infrastructure, the people and the congenial environment are one of  the best in the industry.
We have capability to execute a complete or part of the project onsite, offsite or offshore based customers requirements and budget.
We perform an onsite analysis of the project and recommend a strategy and methodology based on specific customer needs so customers get "most bang for the buck".
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